As I was browsing through the Open Education Resources (OER) website, looking for useful lessons I could potentially use within the schools I was primarily looking for resources that related to the science of gardening, such as the soil, composting, how weather affects gardens, etc.. However, I came across a resource that is a math lesson related to gardening, see the link below. It gave me that ‘aha’ moment, recognizing that there are of course cross curricular connections to gardening. Physical Health Education is another connection that had been an afterthought for me, when in reality, gardening, especially growing vegetables and fruits, directly benefit our wellbeing. But back to the math lesson! In this lesson the students are getting outside, learning and practicing concepts such as volume, length, and height, all while relating it to real life situations where they would need to know and apply these concepts! What a wonderful way to learn math concepts in a non-traditional setting! As you may have picked up from my other posts, I am a huge supporter of changing the narrative on how education should look. Getting students outside, teaching them practical skills and embedding the curriculum within those learned skills is essential for students to buy into what they are learning, while also developing essential life skills!