In class this week we discussed 3 different technology integration models, SAMR, TPAK, and Constructive Alignment. As we were discussing the three models in more depth it had me thinking about the assumptions being made in order for these models to be successful. Please see the visual representation of these models below.

When we were discussing these models in class I saw value in each of them and I can agree that technology is rapidly expanding our capabilities as a species, and our capabilities within education! However, it got me thinking about equity and how access to technology is not equal across the board. School funding not only different between districts but within districts too. The more affluent the neighborhood, the more involvement of the parents and community, which can translate into better fundraising for the school. I think it is really important to recognize this inequity so that we can work together to find ways to integrate technology in a way that is accessible to everyone regardless of funding.

Another concern I had with the constructive alignment in particular, but it is likely an issue for all three models, is that there are assumptions being made that certain needs are already met within the classroom in order for these models to be effective. To illustrate my point I think it is important that we consider the mental health and well being of our students as the priority, and although we are teachers and learning is a high priority, if students basic needs are not being met they will not be able to engage in learning anyways. With the pandemic continuing on it has taken a much bigger tole on our kids, adding on to the already increasing mental health crisis in children. In addition our health care crisis makes access to healthcare and mental health support extremely hard to access with waitlists for years, even for children. My point is, that although learning should be at the forefront of our minds, we must not put it ahead of our students well being and basic needs being met. For some students this is not an issue, but for many it is, and we need to figure out how we can best support them in the role we have as educators.


A report on Covid and the Impact on children’s mental health:

An article about youth being at the heart of Canada’s mental health crisis: